Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 29

Another crazy day, but I swore I wouldn't be on the treadmill at 9:30 again tonight, so I made sure to get it in today. My brother was nice enough to offer to continue watching the boys when I got home from work this afternoon so I could get my time in!
I had physical therapy today and my PT is continuing to advance my core exercises. He told me he'd see me 2 more times next week and then back down to once per week.
So, here's the pic of my new shoes. :) I'm liking them but can't wait to try out running in them. I think that's when I'll really notice a difference! Happy Weekend!


  1. No Way! You are kidding me! Those are MY shoes!!!!!


  2. I'm not kidding!!! Are you serious??? That's kinda cool...kinda gives me goose bumps! :)

  3. Yes! Those are the same shoes I have. That is SO weird!!

  4. So do you two think alike or what????


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