Saturday, January 16, 2010

day 16

Oh how beautiful today was! When we woke the sun was shining for the first time in several days. Greg had the day off (yay) so we loaded up the car and headed to Crownridge Canyon for some hiking. Temps were already in the upper 50s when we got there. The 1.3 mile loop through the canyon was pure rejuvenation for my soul. As we ate our pb&j I looked up to discover just two leaves left on this tree. I smiled. I thought about the week I've had and how we are like those leaves. How the busy-ness of life seems to blow at us so hard, trying to shake us loose from the grasp we have on our goal.
But there we are, still holding strong.
Happy trails,


  1. That's my girls!! Still hangin in there and being stronger for it!!!


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