Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 70

Well, I had a dilemma today. My treadmill is not usable until the service guy comes and fixes the belt. I figured I'd do my run outside until I woke up to MORE SNOW! I couldn't believe my eyes...I thought we were done...that's Nebraska for you! So, I considered being hard core and running outside once it turned to rain, but I didn't want to ruin my new shoes in all the puddles and slush, and running in my old shoes would be bad on my back and knee. So, what did I do? I called the new gym close by and asked if they offered any free trial memberships. :) They told me I could try it out for a week for free!! Yay!!

Couch to 5K: Week Six, Workout Two (I skipped workout one since that was the day I was sick), 2.21 miles completed.

I noticed a couple things when going to the gym's a lot more motivating to keep running when there are lots of people working out around you and I'm sorely lacking in cute workout clothes. Also, I saw the PT that worked on my back! That was also motivating for me...knowing he was seeing me run when 2 months ago he saw me when I could barely walk!!


  1. awesome. we have talked about getting a membership somewhere (hellooooo childcare) but i have always rationalized not getting one because we have a treadmill. hmmm...glad to hear it went well for you. good thinking!

  2. Cool that you saw your PT there!! Good thinking on that.


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