Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 142

This was a proud day for me!!! My big boy Dax and I ran in the Lincoln Fire Rescue Zoo Fun Run/Walk together! It was perfect because we ran the trail that parallels the zoo train track for most of the run...Dax LOVES the zoo train! And all the people that completed the event got a free train ride coupon! Yay!! We finished the run in just under 10 was advertised as 1 mile, but I think it might have been a little less than wasn't about time today though! Dax now considers himself a "runner" and I'm so proud that he's learned that running is fun because he's witnessed me doing it!

Yes, I know that this wasn't a full 30 minutes...SOOOOO, once we got to Sabbath School and Jude still hadn't napped, I put him in the Ergo and took a 20 minute walk so he could catch a little shut eye while the older two went into SS with Daddy! ;)


  1. Dax! You did such an amazing job. I love the picture of you by the fire truck. You look SO proud. And Rebecca, you look like one proud Mama. Thanks for being my inspiration every day!


  2. A very special time indeed! Anything you do with your children is good. Time is all they need and am so happy you and Jess do the best with that for your children.


Thanks for cheering us on! We love hearing from you.