Wednesday, March 10, 2010

day 69

Now that my couch to 5k plan is officially over I'm having a hard time actually running. Yesterday technically should have been a running day. But the morning was crazy with school work for Grace, an Easter Seals appt for Lexi, and a last minute trip to Costco for diapers. Can you believe we did not have one single diaper in the house?!! Anyway, that was yesterday. I was planning on running today, but alas, we had another crazy morning. And instead of getting on the treadmill during nap time like usual I was at an ENT appt for Lexi. After that, swimming lessons for the other three kiddos, a quick supper, baths, and the bedtime routine. I am exhausted (physically & emotionally) tonight so once again I walked. Tomorrow is a new day. Let's hope it's a good one.

Happy trails,


  1. i'm sorry things have been crazy for you! i hope you can get some relaxation soon...wanna go for a pedi with me? don't i wish we could do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! miss you!

  2. how about a little kickboxing with hottie to take out some aggression. :)


  3. That's ok, dear. Days come and days go and you won't always feel like it, but know what? YOU are the best ALWAYS!!! So on the Couch to 5k?? Can you just start it over again? Just curious.


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