Saturday, April 10, 2010

DAY 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This day feels SO BIG to me...we've come a long way baby!!
My 30 minutes were well spent walking and talking with a friend today. On our walk we discovered that it had actually been months since we'd gotten together (yes, we both live in Lincoln!), so it was so nice to catch up for a little bit.
I thought about making this post all reflective and sharing things that I've learned over the past 100 days, but now all I wanna do is eat my popcorn, drink my OJ, watch a movie and get my feet rubbed...Craig agreed that a foot rub was a fair reward for making it through 100 days of walking or running. :)


  1. Congratulations! You're doing great!

  2. 100 days is HUGE! I think popcorn & OJ is an awesome way to celebrate anything! :) Happy 100 days friend. You rock.


    ps~thanks Anders for the comment/encouragement. :)


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