Saturday, April 3, 2010

day 93

I am so sleepy today. Lexi was up lots last night. I'm tellin' ya I do not miss those sleepless nights that come with a newborn (you are amazing). Anyway, I hopped on the treadmill quick after I got the kids down for naps. I got my walk in and felt more energized afterwards but knew I needed a nap or I wouldn't make it through tonight. Only one more day until I get my stitches out! Yay!
Happy trails,


  1. Sorry your Easter will be postponed until Tuesday!! Ah well, even in these technologically advanced times, we still need to depend on the good ole UPS trucks!!!! Love you!!!

  2. ah yes, sleepless nights...
    i guess my body is just getting used to it? when you're not used to it though, it's so tough! i'm kinda looking forward to not being used to it. ;) love you friend! hope you get some better sleep tonight! xoxo ~becca


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