Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4

I really didn't want to get on the treadmill today. I am feeling so lazy. I'm sure a lot of my "laziness" has to do with the fact that it's my first time in over 40 days to be flying solo around the casa. Four kids can really take it out of a person and 40 days is a long time to get used to having my husband around helping out. But alas, I kicked the treadmill's butt (incline of 3; 4.3mph pace) and whipped out my 3o minutes.
And this, my friends, is why I love my treadmill...All those calories gone in just 30 minutes! I think I will go celebrate with a handful of M&Ms! :)
Happy trails,

1 comment:

  1. Those rewards are necessary! Have some M&M's!!


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