Thursday, September 9, 2010

day 252

Well, we got little Nora's bike tire fixed yesterday. So this afternoon the kids were more than happy to go for a bike ride. They cruised ahead while Greg, Lexi & I brought up the rear on foot. I'm pretty content with walking right now, but I'm kind of feeling like maybe I need to motivate myself with the Couch to 5K program again. I'm definitely not in the same running shape that I was in March. At this point I'm pretty sure I'd be happy not running another race for the rest of the year. But...I really don't want to fizzle out on the challenge now. I want to end with gusto. We shall see how much motivation I can muster between homeschool, unpacking, and life in general!
Happy trails,


  1. Oh friend! I can completely understand the place you're in right now! You do what you need to do and I'm here for you in whatever way you need me to be! My motivation (more like I'm faking it until I make it) is the fact that I have gained 5 pounds in ONE MONTH and I no longer have a future pregnancy/nursing child to look forward to/use as an excuse to slack off and eat poorly because of the extra calories being used up. I need to adjust my whole view on health...exercise and eating...I figure I might as well start with running since I'm already doing it!!! LOve you friend!! xoxo

  2. I just keep inching along upon my way. I just keep inching along day by day. I never worry what lies ahead. I just keep plugging away instead. I just go inch by inch by inch by inching along!--Inchworm Song


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