Sunday, January 31, 2010

day 31...wowsa!

Couch to 5K, week four workout three, for a total of 2.42 miles completed!

I've always wanted to be the kind of person that, when they feel stressed, go for a run and come back feeling carefree. Unfortunately, that has never come naturally to me. I, on the other hand, have the tendency to "batten down the hatches" at the first glimpse of stress. I hunker down, shut down, and wait until the storm is over before I stick my nose out.

So today when the reality of what the next few months have in store hit me I felt myself slipping into "that place". I started feeling angry, overwhelmed, super stressed and just plain exhausted by the thought of it all. As I choked back my tears I surprisingly caught myself thinking, "I need to run."

Lacing my shoes I took a deep breath, thought about my attitude that needed changing, and hopped on the treadmill. I focused on each step, letting the stress flow out of me. When anger flooded my thoughts I ran faster. When I got tired and wanted to stop I pressed myself harder. When overwhelming to-do lists came to mind I took control of the one thing I running.
Happy trails,


  1. Have I told you lately that I love you? :) Call me if you need to vent!! xoxo

  2. You're the best!! I love you dear one and I'm always here if you need me. Three whole months seems so long from this end of it. Dad says I can come down when we get our taxes back. Let me know when you want/need me!!


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