Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 33

This is what the wall of my shower looks like right now. ;) I started this on January 2nd with 'Walk Run 365' and I keep thinking I should take a picture because it makes me smile every morning. It keeps evolving...we've never actually talked about it, but I think my bro is having fun with it too. :) And a special thanks to my boys for letting us take over your letters. ;)

So, I did 1.66 miles today! I'm planning to talk with my PT tomorrow about whether I can start running again. *Fingers crossed*


  1. Ah! That is so cute. I love it! "don't be fatish" hehehe! ;) You are rackin' up the mileage girl. I better step it up! Can't wait to hear how your PT goes.



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