Thursday, February 18, 2010

day 49

Today was supposed to be a couch to 5k day...running for 25 minutes/2.5 miles.
I had a good start to my run, but thanks to this little lady that didn't happen. She followed me for a few blocks. I wanted her to go away, I tried my hardest to will her back to her home.
Over and over I whispered, "you are not my problem, you are not my problem,you are not my problem."
Next thing I know I'm picking her up and she's snuggling in my neck.
So...I walked today.
Carrying this little chihuahua for 2.5 miles.
I am a sucker.
Happy trails,


  1. ha!! that's too funny!! you two are so cute!! :) xoxo

  2. I guess I'm a little late (49 days to be exact!) but what a great goal! Good luck--I know you can do it! I'm so proud of myself today because I managed to go jogging (this is a rare occurrence).

  3. So does Tortilla like her??

  4. Yeah, we didn't keep her. She had a tag so I called her owner. Then I walked her back to her house when I was done with my walk. She was super sweet though, I'm sure Tortilla would have had so much fun with her. :)


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