Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 335

Okay, I'm gonna jump right on that Couch to 5k Bandwagon with you and hope to finish this year off strong! While I know that I can still make myself run for 20+ minutes straight, I'm not feeling mentally strong, and physically I'm not feeling as strong as I was at my last 5k when I set my PR. I've kinda gone downhill with no focus. I know I do best with some sort of goal or challenge whether it's a race, a little challenge like when I did the 5 days straight of running, or being in some sort of training program telling me exactly what I should be doing. So, C25k seems perfect right now and I know I can push myself much harder on the speed in these early weeks! So, here we go again! :)

I did Day 1, Workout 1 today and completed 2.26 miles and burned 330 calories! I was loving the 1 minute runs where I could push myself between 6.2-7.0 mph because I knew I'd be done quickly. And you know I'm not a fast walker, so 4.0 mph was challenging for me, but I did it for all my walks other than my 2 minute cool down. I just looked back at my Day 1, Workout 1 from the first time around and I completed 1.72 miles with 3.0 mph walks and 5.0 mph runs! Nice to see that comparison!

P.S. I really need to get new shoes...what a horrible time of year to have that expense! :P

1 comment:

Thanks for cheering us on! We love hearing from you.